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·asp常用函数(二) -|cloudy 发表于 2006-6-19 10:18:54 |
IsEmpty() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否初始化,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsEmpty(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Dim i response.write IsEmpty(i) %> RESULT: True
IsNull() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为空,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsNull(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Dim i response.write IsNull(i) %> RESULT: False
IsNumeric() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为数字,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsNumeric(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% i = "345" response.write IsNumeric(i) %> RESULT: True 就算数字加了引号,ASP还是认为它是数字。
IsObject() FUNCTION: 判断一对象是否为对象,返回布尔值. SYNTAX: IsObject(expression) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% Set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") response.write IsObject(con) %> RESULT: True
LBound() FUNCTION: 返回指定数组维的最小可用下标. SYNTAX: Lbound(arrayname [, dimension]) ARGUMENTS: ; dimension 指明要返回哪一维下界的整数。使用 1 表示第一维,2 表示第二维,以此类推。如果省略 dimension 参数,默认值为 1. EXAMPLE: <% i = Array("Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday") response.write LBound(i) %> RESULT: 0
LCase() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的小写形式 SYNTAX: Lcase(string) ARGUMENTS: string is any valid string expression. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write LCase(strTest) %> RESULT: this is a test!
Left() FUNCTION: 返回字符串左边第length个字符以前的字符(含第length个字符). SYNTAX: Left(string, length) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write Left(strTest, 3) %> RESULT: Thi
Len() FUNCTION: 返回字符串的长度. SYNTAX: Len(string | varName) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test!" response.write Len(strTest) %> RESULT: 15
LTrim() FUNCTION: 去掉字符串左边的空格. SYNTAX: LTrim(string) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = " This is a test!" response.write LTrim(strTest) %> RESULT: This is a test!
Mid() FUNCTION: 返回特定长度的字符串(从start开始,长度为length). SYNTAX: Mid(string, start [, length]) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is a test! Today is Monday." response.write Mid(strTest, 17, 5) %> RESULT: Today
Minute() FUNCTION: 返回时间的分钏. SYNTAX: Minute(time) ARGUMENTS: EXAMPLE: <%=Minute(#12:45:32 PM#)%> RESULT: 45
Month() FUNCTION: 返回日期. SYNTAX: Month(date) ARGUMENTS: date is any valid date expression. EXAMPLE: <%=Month(#08/04/99#)%> RESULT: 8
MonthName() FUNCTION: Returns a string identifying the specified month. SYNTAX: MonthName(month, [, Abb]) ARGUMENTS: month is the numeric representation for a given month; Abb (optional) is a boolean value used to display month abbreviation. True will display the abbreviated month name and False (default) will not show the abbreviation. EXAMPLE: <%=MonthName(Month(#08/04/99#))%> RESULT: August
Now() FUNCTION: Returns the current system date and time. SYNTAX: Now() ARGUMENTS: None EXAMPLE: <%=Now%> RESULT: 8/4/99 9:30:16 AM
Replace() FUNCTION: Returns a string in which a specified sub-string has been replaced with another substring a specified number of times. SYNTAX: Replace(strToBeSearched, strSearchFor, strReplaceWith [, start ][, count ][, compare]]]) ARGUMENTS: strToBeSearched is a string expression containing a sub- string to be replaced; strSearchFor is the string expression to search for within strToBeSearched; strReplaceWith is the string expression to replace sub-string strSearchFor; start (optional) is the numeric character position to begin search; count (optional) is a value indicating the comparision constant. EXAMPLE: <% strTest = "This is an apple!" response.write Replace(strTest, "apple", "orange") %> RESULT: This is an orange! |
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